• P.O. Box 990968
    Naples, Florida 34116

  • Monday through Friday
    9am - 5pm

Our customers often ask questions about how they can protect their pool from severe weather. If you’ve ever seen a swimming pool after a disastrous storm you will most likely understand why. Large amounts of leaves, dirt, and debris will leave your pool a complete mess. All thanks to a traditional Florida Thunderstorm. With that being said, there are several precautions that can be taken when preparing your swimming for severe weather.


Turn off power at the Circuit breakers
Any electrical equipment which relates to but is not limited to pump motors, pool lighting, heaters, and chlorinators, should be shut down completely to prevent serious damage before a severe storm occurs.


Remove any electrical equipment that is not operating
Free flowing water could damage pool and spa equipment. If you cannot remove the equipment, it’s important to keep it wrapped in waterproof plastic, and fastened to the ground so water and dirt cannot damage it.


To combat contamination
The best preventative measure you can take is adding extra chlorine to the pool. While chlorine alone will not prevent debris such as leaves and dirt from falling in the water, it will decontaminate the water making it safer to swim in. Another option is to chemically shock the pool after the storm subsides. This will prevent any bacteria from causing any harm to swimmers.


It is also important to understand that a pool should not be covered or drained during or before a storm. A ripped pool cover can be much more expensive to replace than simply removing debris from the water. And a drained pool can result to cracking of the pool deck and the area around it due to the unbalanced pressure of water.


If there is excessive debris in the swimming pool, you can contact a professional for cleanup. Many times vacuuming large chunks of debris and leaves can cause for the pool plumbing to clog. It is also not good for the pool pump and filter to take on large amounts of debris. The pump basket can fill quickly impeding the flow of water through the pump and filter. This could lead to pump damage and ultimately having to replace many parts to get the system operating properly again.


Stahlman Pool Company has external vacuums and special equipment for removing the debris effectively and safely. At the same time, if there is any staining to the pool finish recommendations can be made for stain treatment or stain removal. If additional landscape or screen repairs are needed, they can be handled by other Stahlman divisions.


Now you are ready to weather the storm!